Challenge :


Design a digital experience that enables those who are not familiar or knowledgable about investing to start micro - investing their money, track, and monitor their investments, and withdraw their investment when they eventually need the money.

Solution :


DeeDee is a payment app that enables the user to spend and invest concurrently. It creates a secondary investment account which is linked to the chosen DBS investment portfolio.


We conducted an analysis of literature that has been published on the current state of women and investing in Singapore. This helped us understand the obstacles women face surrounding better financial matters and more specifically investments.

Gathering the above data and statistics helped in pi pointing the pain points that women most commonly face.


Based on interviews conducted with women who have just started working we discovered the core needs for both women investors and non-investors in the workforce in Singapore.


Based on the research insights gathered, we came up with two scenarios each for when the user begins their investing journey with and without the help of DeeDee.


We prototyped possible visual interactions for the user at the start of their journey using DeeDee.

Solution :


Shopee Redesign Concept


Covid-19 Data Tracking UX Project